Saturday, July 4, 2020
Asssignment 5 - The Ultimate Guide to Lead Generation
Saturday, June 27, 2020
Related to farmers and economy of Punjab -Very Good video
Friday, June 19, 2020
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Saturday, June 13, 2020
The Paradox of Hard Work
Why I am not Digital Deepak
The Top 6
Entrepreneurship Skills
The 5 Principles of
Startup Success
Why do Entrepreneurs
What is Copywriting?
The Three Pillars of a Successful
Career (and Life)
Rejection – The Secret to Getting
What You Want
How to Build a High Traffic Blog?
Does SEO still work?
Get Facebook Ads Mastery
Course for Free
Your Failure is
A Step-by-Step Guide to
Launch Products Online
5 Lessons I Learned from
my Agency PixelTrack
Why Copywriting is the Ultimate
Marketing Skill
How to Become a Great Public Speaker
How to Build a Brand without
The Untold Secret to
Entrepreneurship Success
Digital Masters
Conference – Chennai
How To Create Content
People Want To Read
many others. Wishing you grand success in your journey of
Thursday, May 28, 2020
- LEARN: To be successful in any field, learning is the utmost important ingredient. We can call it the seed on which the tree is to grow. Therefore, one must pay full attention on the contents of the subject so that he may fully grasp it.
- DO: As the interns are studying digital marketing, therefore, it is necessary that one should do the things practically, step-by-step so that all the function become clear in the mind. As all the ingredients which are being learnt will result into fruit only when all the steps given in it are performed time and again to get expertise.
- TEACH: Deepak Sir, suggested that after learning and doing, one must try to teach that subject to his fellow beings so that by teaching he will do more practice and if there are any short-comings, the same will be noticed by him as well as his fellow beings/students and the same will be pointed out. When the short-comings will come to the notice, then, it will become necessart to find its solution. Practically, this step will lead to a sort of perfection.
- In addition to above, Deepak Sir suggested that he is willing to form a group of 100-200 persons in which some interns should try to follow this practice and teach their colleagues to become more expert and proficient in the topics taught by him to become the useful Digital Marketeers. He further elaborated that this speaking opportunity will prove very good for their future. Even if they make some mistakes, they will also learn from the same and the value of resolving the issues/mistakes will be beneficial for them and at the same time its value can not be judged at the present moment.
- Further, he discussed the concept of marketing. He made us aware that marketing is about good converations and if one cannot converse one to one, then it will be difficult for that person to converse with many persons in a group. He elaborated that trust can only be built with the customers through discussions and communication. So, to become a successful marketer, one should learn the art of conversation.
- MASS TRUST: He emphasised on the term of mass trust and he himself bought a domain in the name of mass trust. For a successful marketer building mass trust of very very important. To make the point clear he gave the example of school friend and stressed upon that one should try to be an authentic person. He told that people are fed up with the fake persona and they are willing to talk to a real authentic person. He gave the examples of authentic personalities like that of Mahatama Gandhi, Dr APJ Abul Kalam, Ratan Tata, Azim Prem ji, Rajni Kant etc. He further clarified that the authenticity is also required in personal life and even to find a life partner. He told us that authentic people get attracted to other authentic people and we should try to learn and differentiate between the authentic people and fake people.
- Further he taught that how it is necessary for us to make a business Avatar. My Avatar is Insurance Survey of the customers in which I have the put the following questions:
- What is your name
- What is your Age
- Email Address
- Which is the city/village of your residence
- Is insurance normally necessary for every one ?
- Which of the following is not an Insurance Company
- What is your Annual Income
- Have you got term insuranceAccording to your opinion, how much term insurance is required for a head of the family
- Do you know which is only one company which deals with Health Insurance
- Are you married or single
Sunday, May 24, 2020
How to save yourself from illnesses (including Corona) -Dr. Amar Singh Azad
Friday, May 22, 2020
Assignment Class-1
I am a young person of 64 and my name is Mahanvir Parshad Jain. I have retired from Punjab State Power Corporation Ltd. as Joint Secretary. I am a Post Graduate in English, Hons' in Punjabi (Giani) and a National Trade Certificate in English Stenography. I started my career as a Class-III employee and after getting 7 promotions achieved the highest post of our cadre i.e. Class-1 post i.e. Joint Secretary. During the service of 40 years I attended several refresher courses/trainings on MS Office, Information Technology, Personnel Management and many more topics related to administrative activities. I have also been associated with an Insurance Company as an Insurance Consultant and our family achieved distinction being MDRT (USA) for three years. Due to achievements in Insurance by me and my wife, I have the occasion to attend recognitions in Istanbul (Turkey) and Singapore (on a Gemini Cruise ship from Singapore to Malaysia). Again visited Singapore and Malaysia along with my family. Also doing honorary service with some Social/Religious/Academic organizations.
I have developed a keen interest in computer learning and now I am focusing on Blogging, Affiliate Marketing which are a part of Digital Marketing with a lot of passion.
About Mr Deepak Kankaraju and his first session
Now I know that he is the top digital marketer in India. For the last more than 2 years, I have been on the mailing list of Mr. Deepak Kankaraju and remained in touch the subject like blogging, affiliate marketing, SEO, E-Commerce, copy-writing, funnels etc. In fact, last year I had tried to contact him personally at Bengaluru but could not do so as I did not received any confirmation from his office. I have already purchased some of his courses which are described as Mastery bundle.
During the Internship Class-1, he has touched
all these and several more topics and gave hints about the main niches of HEALTH, WEALTH AND RELATIONSHIP. He inspires
to set the financial goals so that we may earn handsomely after the completion
of this programme. According to him,
earning a sum of Rs.1 crore in three
years is quite an achievable task if we do this training whole-heartedly and
put our mind and soul to achieve the goal. He puts us the question what do you want to become through this training i.e. Blogger,
Video Maker, Affiliate Marketer which is to be decided by the candidate himself
according to his/her passion.
Turn-by-turn, I am passionate to learn and get expertise in Affiliate
Marketing, Blogging as well as Video Marketing.
I have written several articles on my blog on
random subjects and also has a YouTube video Channel christened as PYARANYARA CHANNEL. Pyara Nyara in Hindi/Punjabi sands for LOVELY
He tells us that this is a sort of finding the gold and we are made aware about Global Economics. He clarifies that markets are always expanding because solutions to needs give rise the new needs. So, there are innumerable opportunities as the infinite number of niches are available. The markets are expanding. His example of coming cars in the market makes the point very clear when he compares the timings when there were no cars in the markets. After the invent of cars, many opportunities have been created e.g. Opening of show rooms of cars, Service Centres, Spare parts shops, employment to mechanics, industries that create several items like upholstery and other material.
So,to be successful he
stressed upon that one should improve his skills of communication because
selling/marketing solely depends upon it.
To improve the communications skill, he emphasizes that:-
Read a lot (at least 30 minutes a day) and start with simple books
and them to complex ones.
Listen to Podcasts (30 minutes a day)
Write a lot, the more you write, the better you can write and
better you become. (A notable English writer has also said that writing makes
the perfect man).
Watch English Sitcoms (The Office, Seinfeld, Silicon Valley, Mad
Man, Breaking Bars, Friends etc.
Watch stand up comedy shows to learn culture and local slangs.
To develop writing habit, write a Personal Blog. It may be about movie or any subject of your
liking. Just write.
One of the most important point on which he stresses upon is to create MASS TRUST because this is the key for successful business.
About the future of
Digital Marketing he assures that digital marketing will never die and to prove
his point he gives the example of his blog Simply, he explains that Technology + Marketing
= Digital Marketing. He explains that
the consumer behavior is changing, so, the digital marketing is simply a better
way to do marketing as the people in this era are hanging on social media. Then
he explains how the Integrated Digital Marketing Work which is consisting of
Email marketing, Paid Advertising, SEO, Content & Tribe, Social Media and
then sell and earn and after that you can check the analytics. He asks us to
pay attention to this abbreviation : CATT.
How to select a niche:
He teaches us that it should be combination of passion, talent and market opportunity. You should have passion while doing enjoy it, get better at it and enjoying doing it even more. Any sub niche can be selected from the Main Niches of Health, Wealth, Relationship (+Fashion) to do digital marketing. He gives an interesting example that how to earn Rs. 1 crore. Just get 1000 customers who will pay 10,000 each and your total earning will be Rs.1 crore and how to find such customers, he delves on the following points:
Use Google Auto Suggest
Answer the
Look for Amazon Reviews
Scratch your own niche (Ex. Bike Advice,
Talk to Customers
(vi) Look for pre and post products/services of other products
Further, he emphasized
on building your personal brand as it is very very important. According to
v The best known will
always beat the best.
v Do not hesitate to put
your content out there. Do not have the fear of standing out. Stop trying to
fit in it.
v Show your character and
personality on social media.
v Publish content in different forms - with more content you will "own more of the internet". BENEFITS OF PERSONAL BRANDING
v It defines your style,
your tribe.
v People want or prefer to
hear from people not from brands.
v You can get a job, close
a sale to the client or you can build your own consulting/training business.
v It is cool to be known
by other people.
v It builds your own fame
within the community.
v You can write your
content or can publish videos or you can do public speaking under your own
v FURTHER, he tells us how
v Move the free line.
v Build trust through
v Make the funnel
v Build relationships on
v Get 1,000,000 people at
the top of the funnel to get 1000 people at the bottom of the funnel.
v Build your own brand ambassadors. Here he has given the example of interns of Batch-1 that how they have become his brand ambassadors automatically.
OOverall the session of class 1 has been very exhaustive and well explained and highly inspiring. Thanks for delivering such a lecture which can advance us to learn practically digital marketing and earn handsomely in the coming months and years. Being a novice to digital marketing, I do fervently hope, that everything will be taught to us step-by-step so that after practising it thorougly, we get good expertise on the related topics/issues/subjects.